Quantum Computer Algebra (QCA 2025)

Special Session: Quantum Software


Motivation and Importance

Cryptography and cybersecurity are some of the most common topics discussed in industry and academic in the last decade. However, much of the currently deployed cryptography/cybersecurity is vulnerable to quantum attacks, which will become effective once large-scale quantum computers become feasible. Hence, the affected cryptographic standards must be replaced by ones that offer post-quantum security. The post-quantum cryptography transition will take a long time. Hence, in order to remain secure and comply with legal and regulatory requirements, affected organizations should act immediately. How?  Are we ready? What needs to be done?

The aim of this section is provide background and answers to some of these questions.   Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):

While we will focus on all aspects of post-quantum cryptography, a central role in the special session will have isogeny-based cryptography for higher dimension Abelian varieties.  
