Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics

AMS Meeting #1195, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, April 20-21, 2024.


AMS Link of the session


Advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis in the last decade have made it possible to develop more sophisticated AI systems which are being used in a broad range of applications.  

We focus on such applications to mathematics, especially on papers and talks which are based on concrete, explicit computational results through implementation and use of AI packages and methods. 


Some of topics suggested, but not limited to:

Deadline to submit abstracts

February 20, 2024

Contact us

Using AI in Mathematics is a new field and many mathematicians are just venturing in it. Reasearch groups are relatively new and new researchers are getting involved every day. In case we have missed someone, please fill the following form to get in touch with us and to tell us about your intentions on participating or speaking in our session.  We will continue to contact people until the deadline of February 20.Â