Linear Algebra
The course is aimed at science and engineering students, especially applications in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
Catalog Description:
Study of general vector spaces, linear systems of equations, linear transformations and compositions, Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization, modeling and orthogonality.
A word on Analytic Geometry, Vectors in Physics and Geometry 1.1-1.5
Euclidean spaces, norm and dot product   2.1-2.2
Matrices and their algebra, Gauss-Jordan elimination  2.3-2.6
Vector spaces, bases and dimension  3.1-3.2
Subspaces, nullity and rank, sums, direct sums, direct products 3.3-3.4
Linear maps, isomorphisms 4.1-4.2
Matrices associated to linear maps, 4.3Â
Change of basis 4.5
Linear transformations in geometry 4.6
Midterm I
Determinants, characteristic polynomial, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, eigenspaces  5.1-5.2
Similar matrices, diagonalizing matrices
Inner productsÂ
Orthogonal bases, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizationÂ
Orthogonal transformations and orthogonal matrices
Sylvestre's theorem and dual space
Curve fittingÂ
Quadratic forms
Symmetric matrices and spectral theorem
Midterm II
Graphing quadratic surfaces, principal axes theoremÂ
Positive definite matrices
Singular Value Decomposition
Further topics
Final Exam
Here is the description of the project