Quantum Computer Algebra and Quantum Software
Quantum ComputationÂ
Quantum Computation and Quantum Software is one of the most active research areas in mathematics and computer science in academic departments accross the country and in industry. In the last several decades new algorithms in computer and computational algebra changed our understanding the world and a tremendous number of applications and software was developed based on such algorithms. It is now the the time for quantum computation! Our mission is to develop quantum analogs to everything that we know in computer and computational algebra and to design quantum software. In order to achieve this goal the computer algebra community needs to be involved and new scientists and graduate students need to be trained. The goal of this conference series aims to do precisely that.Â
Computer Algebra
In mathematics and computer science, computer algebra, also called symbolic computation or algebraic computation, is a scientific area that refers to the study and development of algorithms and software for manipulating mathematical expressions and other mathematical objects.  Software applications that perform symbolic calculations are called computer algebra systems, with the term system alluding to the complexity of the main applications that include, at least, a method to represent mathematical data in a computer, a user programming language (usually different from the language used for the implementation), a dedicated memory manager, a user interface for the input/output of mathematical expressions, a large set of routines to perform usual operations, like simplification of expressions, differentiation using the chain rule, polynomial factorization, indefinite integration, etc.
Computer algebra is widely used to experiment in mathematics and to design the formulas that are used in numerical programs. It is also used for complete scientific computations, when purely numerical methods fail, as in public key cryptography, or for some non-linear problems.
Quantum Computer Algebra
Quantum Computer Algebra is a new area which has been developed with the progress done in the last decade in quantum computing. Our group has mostly people involved in Computer Algebra in the last few decades who are trying to develop quantum algorithms for every known computer algebra algorithm.Â
QCA Board Members
QCA is run by its board which decides on where the next QCA will be, its scientific program, and other organizational tasks of runing a successful QCA. You can see a list QCA Board here.Â
Get involved
If you want to be a part of our project please fill the following form. If you want to organize your own QCA please follow the Instructions on Organizing QCA
Quantum Computer Algebra Problems
If you think any particular algorithm of Computational Algebra is worth it to be developed as a Quantum algorithm please fill the suggestion box below.