Artificial Intelligence

Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence

The Department of Mathematics offers a Bachelor of Science Degree in Pure Mathematics.  The degree is designed for those who want to pursue careers as research mathematicians and intend to apply to graduate schools at RISAT or elsewhere. It is one of the most rigorous programs worldwide and very selective.  Students get accepted to the program after they have passed all General requirements with an overall GPA 3.5 or better and every course from these requirements with a grade B or beter.  The focus is on classical areas of mathematics in addition to strong background in programming, computational sciences, and data schience. Students are expected to participate in undergradute research projects from the second year of their study. 

General requirements (110 credits)

Degree requirements (112 credits)

Suggested Schedule

Freshmen Fall Semester

CS 121: Introduction to Programming                                   6
CS 151: Algorithms and data structures I                              6
MAT 131:  Set theory and logic                                                6
MAT 141: Calculus I                                                                   8
MAT 151: Linear Algebra I                                                        6

Freshmen Winter Semester

CS 122: Introduction to Programming II                                6
CS 152: Algorithms and data structures II                             6
MAT 132:  Discrete Mathematics                                                  6
MAT 142: Calculus II                                                                            8
MAT 152: Linear Algebra II                                                              6

Sophomore Fall Semester

MAT 231: Statistics                                                                   6
MAT 241: Calculus III                                                                6
AI/CS 361: Artificial Intelligence I                                            6
PHYS 231: Physics I                                                                   8

Sophomore Winter Semester

MAT 240: Elementary Number Theory                                  6
MAT 242: Calculus IV                                                                6
AI/CS 362: Artificial Intelligence II                                           6
PHYS 232: Physics II                                                                  8

Junior Fall Semester

CS  271: Data Science I                                                              6
AI/CS 361: Advanced Artificial Intelligence I                          6
CS 451: Theory of Computation I                                            6

Junior Winter Semester

CS  272: Data Science I                                                             6
AI/CS 361: Advanced Artificial Intelligence I                          6
CS 452: Theory of Computation II                                           6

Senior Fall Semester

CS 481:  Modern Cryptography   I                                          6
MAT 471: Computational Algebra I                                        6
MAT 499: Thesis project                                                          2

Senior Winter Semester

CS 481:  Modern Cryptography   II                                         6
MAT 472: Computational Algebra II                                       6
MAT 499: Thesis project                                                          2